Uganda Travel Photography | The people and culture of Uganda

From the moment we stepped onto Ugandan soil we felt a connection to the local people.  As we drove 2hrs down a dirt track, towards the Bwindi National park, the local children ran towards the car smiling and waving.  We passed people walking their pigs (as you do), hanging out in the lush green forests, and washing their motorbikes in the stream.  

The aim of our trip to Uganda was to see and photograph the endangered Mountain Gorilla, but we decided to take a cultural walk the day after.  We met some amazing people, a local medicine man who spoke local dialect (and French) showed us his natural remedies and how he made them.  He also explained how he now has a doctors coat (which he's very proud of) because they hire him to work in the local hospital alongside the western medicine.  We met a lady who brews banana gin, brick makers, and local carvers.  We also spent some time with a local Pigmy group.  This group used to live on the mountains but were competing with the endangered Gorillas.  The local government had to move them from the mountain to help maintain Gorilla population, and offered them some smaller areas of land.  They try to maintain their history even though they have been displaced and seem like happy people, one guy even taught us how to fire his bow and arrow, which Kellie nailed... I however did not :)

The last stop was at a local "parent school".  The people working here and the kids we met were amazing.  We felt an immediate connection, and wanted so badly to help them.  Soon we will have more photos to share from locals in the school showing how easy it is to change lives if you get involved.


Uganda | Making a Difference | Travel Photography in Africa


2017 Eclipse Photography - South Carolina